Women Of The Collective Matrix

Decolonizing as a spiritual path. What is a colonized person? How overcome the internalized oppression of colonization?

Sing Broadway

Spring concert of broadway music with the S.F. Glee Kids.

Fluoridation Risks

Retired EPA Senior Scientist Dr. William Hirzy gives a talk in Santa Rosa informing the public about the science and politics behind fluoridation of drinking water.

Fodfest 2014

Fodfest 2104 was performed at Sweetwater (Mill Valley) on 10/26/14. The 10th annual concert honoring the life of Daniel Pearl featured at diverse line-up of musicians and special guest artists.

Vertical Frontier

A multiple- award winning documentary about the history of climbing in Yosemite. Narrated by Tom Brokaw.

Does Your Mind Mean Business?

Andy Gibson, author of A Mind for Business and founder of Mindapples, visits the RSA to argue that the time has come for us to put the needs of our […]

They Know Everything About You

A talk with Robert Scheer ( author, professor, journalist), Aleecia McDonald ( Stanford Center for Internet and Society), and Paul George ( Director of the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center) […]