Unrig the System: Ways to Drain the Swamp

How do we Drain the Swamp? What can we do to fight the corruption present in our institution? Rob Schaaf argues that when politicians refuse to stop corruption, it’s up […]

Unrig the System:Time to Abolish the Wealth Primary

Today’s campaign finance system operates like a wealth primary, an exclusionary process blocking equal and meaningful participation of voters and candidates based on their economic status. John Bonifaz argues that, […]

Unrig the System: The Democracy Movement

Frances Moore Lappe challenges 3 ideas: 1. that we’re essentially a divided nation 2. that building a Democracy Movement demands heavy sacrifice 3. that it “takes forever” to bring about […]

Unrig the System: No Dark Money

In NYC, voters get to see not only the money behind independent expenditures, but the messages themselves. Matt Sollars reveals that NYC Campaign Finance Board’s Follow the Money portal displays […]

Unrig the System: New Hope for Democracy

A new generation of leaders are entering public office and bringing a fresh perspective to the debates on democracy reform. Steven Olikara, Founder of the Millennial Action Project, leads the […]