What is Fake News?

Is fake news undermining the truth? That question is hashed out by Berkeley professors and industry experts. The panel includes: Adam Mosseri – Facebook’s Vice President of News Feed, Craig […]
Hummingbirds’ Bills

Most hummingbirds have bills and tongues exquisitely designed to slip inside a flower, lap up nectar and squeeze every last drop of precious sugar water from their tongue to fuel […]
3D Map of a Fly’s Brain

A new fly-through of the fly brain allows anyone to whizz past neurons and visit any of the 40 million synapses where neurons touch neuron. It’s a super-resolution view of […]
3-D Printer Liquids to Solid

3-D printing with light. A new 3-D printing technique shines light rays onto this yellow liquid, creating solid, 3-D objects. The syrupy liquid is light sensitive and hardens when exposed […]
Sleep Loss Increases Pain

When were in pain, we have a hard time sleeping. But how does poor sleep affect pain?
Coding Against Sex Trafficking

Recent UC Berkeley doctoral graduate, Rebecca Sorla Portnoff, uses her computer security know-how to help catch sex traffickers.
Gecko’s Latest Superpower

Geckos are renowned for their acrobatic feats on land and in the air, but a new discovery that they can also run on water puts them in the superhero category, […]
Memorial Stadium Earthquake Retrofit

Highlights of the unique design and construction of UC Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium retrofit project, completed in 2012.
UC Berkeley: Marriage Advice

Honeymoon long over? Hang in there. A new UC Berkeley study shows those prickly disagreements that can mark the early and middle years of marriage mellow with age as conflicts […]
Earthquake Early Warning System

“This is a test of the ShakeAlert system. ShakeAlert is the United States Geological Survey Earthquake Early Warning System, which has been provided to BART in partnership with UC Berkeley.”