M. Cohn U.S. Law Violations

On July 14th, 2012 Marjorie Cohn speaks on U.S. law violations an account of security, torture and law. Ms. Cohn is the former president of National Lawyers Guild, and professor […]
Tax Day Flash Mob
Dance demo at Bank of America.
MTA Board Meeting
MTA Meeting 04.22.11
Marin Healthcare District

Regular Board Meeting.
John Mearsheimer Lecture

Palestine/Israel conflict.
MTA Board Meeting
Regular MTA Board Meeting.
JVP Lecture Series 2
Jewish Voice for Peace lecture series 2009.
JVP Lecture Series 4
Jewish Voice for Peace lecture series 2009.
JVP Lecture Series 5
Jewish Voice for Peace lecture series 2009.
JVP Lecture Series
Jewish Voice for Peace lecture series.