St. Vincent De Paul

St. Vincent de Paul in San Rafael, CA provides food for the hungry with no obligation. It also provides many other services to the community.

Driven to Extinction

A story of a unique creative space in San Rafael – dozens of studios, a gallery and affordable living space combined. A hub of creativity.

Artworks Downtown

A story of a unique creative space in San Rafael – dozens of studios, a gallery and affordable living space combined. A hub of creativity.

Strings Attached

Old fashioned marionette theater & traditions are alive and well in the hands of the Fratello Marionettes. They perform for the students at St. Rafael school.


Profile of Hans Roenau – 84 year old professional photographer.

No Pl8s

A celebration of the plight of abandoned cars.

Joe’s Story

A developmentally disabled person joins mainstream life with the help of a San Rafael organization.