Breast Cancer Awareness
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. A message from Marin County’s Department of Health and Human Services, visit for more information.
Is a Gallon a Gallon?
Marin G Channel: When is a Gallon a Gallon ? For more information visit:
PSA: Measure A
Marin G Channel: Fulfilling the Promise of Measure A. For more information visit:
Home Fire Prevention
Simple ways to increase your home’s resistance to wildfire presented by Marin County Fire Department.
Energy Upgrade CA
Energy Upgrade California is your one-stop-shop for home improvement projects that lower your energy use, conserve water and natural resources, and make your home healthier and more comfortable.
Public Lands
Marin County Parks Celebrates National Public Lands Day, September 24th, 2011.
Marin County LCP

Marin G Channel presents the Marin County Local Coastal Program. For more info visit
Marin Agriculture
The Marin County Department of Agriculture Public Service Announcement. For more information email them at
Mother Goose

There is a new interactive story time for young children at the Marin County Free Library!
One Bay Area
One Bay Area is a new initiative meant to coordinate efforts among the region’s nine counties and 101 towns and cities to create a more sustainable future.