Grammar: Plural or Possessive
Exorcise bad grammar from your life by learning about plural possession.
Grammar: Loose or Lose
A giraffe gets loose on the racetrack. Just another day at the races.
Grammar: Me or I
Things get weird when the Grammar Bandit tries to spread the gift of grammar.
Grammar: Literally or Figuratively
Find out the hard way what happens when something literally explodes.
Grammar: It’s or Its
The dangers of the wild don’t stop this cowboy from explaining it’s and its.
Grammar: Illusion or Allusion
A contest of illusion and allusion includes a hippopotamus and references to Romeo and Juliet.
Grammar: Couple or Few
Wanda the Waitress gets annoyed with diners who confuse couple and few.
Grammar: Compliment or Complement
Complement and Compliment get confused on the dance floor.
Grammar: Bare or Bear
Confusing bear and bare can get you arrested in 47 states.