The Sandwich Of Truth

In episode 2 of Sean And I Shayne discovers a sandwich he thinks will lead him to the car thief.
Sean And I

Down and out everyday loser Max decides to make a movie starring Sean Penn, hilarity ensues.
Vigil For Child Migrants
A documentary of the vigil held in Petaluma for the Central American children refugees fleeing from violence and poverty.
Seven Rays of Light

A play about Kwanzaa performed by youth at the Hannah Project Gallery in Marin City.
The Dream is Now Speaker

Erica Andiola, one of the subjects of the Dream Act documentary The Dream is Now speaks to an audience at College of Marin about immigration reform.
The Dream is Now

Focusing on the personal stories of Dreamers and their families the Dream is Now illustrates the need for common-sense immigration reform that gives a chance for all to earn citizenship […]
Interviews with Art Models

Sonoma County filmmaker James Curtis interviews various art models.
Occupy General Assembly

A humorous look at the ins and outs of the direct democracy process.
Tar Sands Blockade

Activists from around the country descend on Houstan TX to disrupt the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

The story of the braceros of Tlaxcalo, Mexico and their fight for their unpaid wages.