Living with Sprinklers in CA
All new homes in California will now be built with fire sprinklers.
Cal FIRE On High Alert
With California facing water shortfalls in the driest year in recorded state history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. proclaimed a State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all […]
The Fire Situation Report
Update on the California fires from September 16, 2015.
One Less Wildfire PSA
One Less Spark, One Less Wildfire PSA presented by Cal FIRE.
Tree Mortality Presentation
Presentation on tree mortality rates in California due to the drought.
Ready For Fire PSA (15 Seconds)
How to be ready for a fire PSA presented by Cal FIRE.
Living With Fire Sprinklers
Information about how home fire sprinklers can protect you, and your home.
Smoke Alarms Save Lives
Information about how smoke alarms can save lives produced by Cal FIRE.
Ready For Fire PSA (30 Seconds)
How to be ready for a fire PSA presented by Cal FIRE.