Placeholder text about CMCM membership, why to become a member
CMCM Membership Types
Individual – $ 35.00
An individual membership in the Community Media Center entitles you to enroll in our training workshops (additional training fees apply) and to use at no additional cost our facilities and equipment (upon certification of proficiency).
Student: General Membership – $ 25.00
General Student Membership (non-Media Academy) entitles you to enroll in our training workshops (additional training fees apply) and to use at no additional cost our facilities and equipment (upon certification of proficiency).
Student: Youth Media Academy – $ 25.00
Student Membership for Youth Media Academy, includes all YMA courses, field productions, and equipment access.
Senior (65+) – $ 25.00
Membership in the Community Media Center entitles you to enroll in our training workshops (additional training fees apply) and to use at no additional cost our facilities and equipment (upon certification of proficiency).
Organizational (annual budget less than 250K) – $ 75.00
Thank you for your interest in supporting the CMCM by becoming a member! Organizational Membership in the Community Media Center entitles your organization to enroll three members in our training workshops (additional training fees apply).
Organizational (annual budget greater than 250K) – $ 150.00
Thank you for your interest in supporting the CMCM by becoming a member! Organizational Membership in the Community Media Center entitles your organization to enroll three members in our training workshops (additional training fees apply).
Ask The Experts New Membership – $25 yr
For non-members to join the Ask The Experts workshops – receive a free one-year membership.
Please Pay here with your Paypal account or Credit/Debit. Click on “Pay with Credit/Debit” if you do not use a PayPal account. We also accept checks by mail.